Thursday, June 30, 2011

Karl Rahner on "The Decisive Moment of My Life"

Karl Rahner the existentialist (and a very baptist-sounding moment from a Catholic theologian):

"I must stand ever ready and waiting, so that when You open the door to the decisive moment of my life--and maybe You'll do it very quietly and inconspicuously--I shall not be so taken up with the affairs of this world that I miss the one great opportunity to enter into myself and into You. Then in my trembling hands I shall hold 'myself,' that nameless something in which all my powers and qualities are united as in their source, and I shall return this nameless thing to You as an offering of love."

From the chapter "God of My Prayer" in Encounters with Silence (South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press, 1999), p. 24.

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